At Paignton Championship Show (1ST August 2011) Millie, Silkcroft Colour of Magic, handled by Harriet Billingham won her 1ST Reserve Challenge Certificate (picture below) under judge Monica Boggia Black, gaining life long qualification to Crufts – Well done Harriet & Millie.

Later at the same show Harriet and Millie were placed 3RD out of all breeds in the Bitch Junior Stakes class under judge Stuart Milner.  Keyser – Elkis Aquila Of Silkcroft was placed 2ND in the same Junior Stakes competition for Dogs.

Millie RCC Paignton 2011

•Also, at Paignton Tobamorrey Aint I Precious (Lexi from our first litter) won her 4TH CC – Well done Lexi!